Coin Transit Insurance

$3.00 CAD

Covers loss or damage of precious metals during transit

You're spending a pretty penny on Official Chive Rare Coins and Gold Bars with The Chivery. These bad boys are an investment, right? Why take the chance of getting jacked by a porch pirate straight from your home?

These ballsy looters have been wreaking havoc around the U.S, with 7 million packages getting stolen EVERY DAY! 1 in 3 Americans reports getting a package swiped at least once a year. This is the equivalent of $9 BILLION in plundered goods.

The situation has only gotten worse, with 51% of all purchases being made online. Top it off with the pandemic as an added hurdle; delivery companies are no longer requiring signatures. Telling their delivery drivers to avoid touching anything, not even giving you a courtesy "knock-knock"—(rude) leaving your goods ripe for the taking.

These are among the many reasons why we've decided to insure your bounty while in transit. We're giving you the option to insure your precious metal coin for a whopping $1.99 that'll be added on to your overall purchase, covering loss or damage. Rest assured; your recent investment is secure before it reaches your hands.