May 20, 2019
Game of Thrones Characters & Their Impact on Pop Culture
Some people love Game of Thrones. Other people have yet to see an episode and don’t intend to.
If you are part of the latter group, this blog post isn’t for you.
Now that they’re gone, we can talk about what really matters; the characters from Game of Thrones. The years of character building, deaths and triumphs, have captured our hearts.
Tears of joy and tears of pain, have led us to the final episode.
For more than 9 years, we watched our favorite characters from Game of Thrones make game changing moves:
The Game of Thrones female characters broke molds and triumphed among tyranny.
Honorable men and women fought relentlessly and died for their leaders.
Dragons flew above the clouds and burned down cities.
Brothers and sisters, aunts and nephews were bound by an impossible love.
Wight walkers rising from the dead for the 34455 time.
The characters from Game of Thrones were more than just TV characters for viewers, they became a part of their lives. People identified with characters, hated and loved others.
Villains were loathed and heroes were praised for their decisions, actions and everything in between. These polarizing characters sparked discussions, critiques, funny ass memes and amazing game of thrones t shirts.
GOT did what no one else has been able to do, create a live worldwide conversation with more than 10 million people live tweeting at once. Game of Thrones and the Game of Thrones characters were the number one trending topics on social media every week, discussions were inevitable and opposing beliefs were everywhere. People did not hold back and were quick to react to what was happening on the show. This caused an undeniable snowball effect of commentary and memes. At one point, its tremendous following gathered more than 1 million signatures in a petition to remake the final season. Game of Thrones captured the hearts and the attention of more than 32 million people worldwide and will go down as one of the most successful, and complex TV series of all times.
For the past 6 weeks, Sunday’s became our favorite day of the week. We got dressed up, hosted watch parties and yelled at our TV screens. Not to mention Monday morning discussions at work.
But, we are glad it’s over.
The end of an era of television is over. It seems like we are finally stepping off this emotional rollercoaster. Those who haven’t seen Game of Thrones are rejoicing in the fact that they won’t have to hear about it anymore.
We will always remember our favorite Game of Thrones characters as valiant leaders and will proudly wear their t-shirts to every occasion, forever.

Not to mention some incredible quotes:
“I drink and I know things” - Tyrion Lannister
“What do we say to the God of Death?”
“Not Today” - Arya Stark
“Love is the death of duty” – Jon Snow
We laughed, we cried, and now our watch has ended.
Thank you to all those who made it possible and yes, that includes those who left the Starbucks cup and the water bottle on set.